Livestock Management

Farmers in developing countries such as Pakistan are generally less aware about the best practices for managing livestock. By underutilizing their resources, they contribute to the poor health of their herds.

FACE aims to lessen the burden on farmers by introducing the following services through its field offices:

  • Mobile veterinary clinics through corporate vans to provide free vaccination for livestock.
  • Market linkages for marketing of dairy products so that farmers get the best returns.
  • Trainings and field camps for animal care in collaboration with the Punjab Livestock Department.
Livestock Management
Livestock Management

With the assistance of these soft and hard interventions, we aim to:

  • Reduce the mortality rate of livestock by at least 15%,
  • Encourage farmers to ensure value addition of at least 5% of their produce,
  • Increase farmers’ productivity by 5%.

Moreover, women will be encouraged to participate in the value addition of products.

Livestock Training and Veterinary Medicine Distribution in APL

Livestock Activities